Let Health Access MN use our health insurance expertise to help you navigate the maze of health coverage options. Whether you are trying to answer questions for your clients, do right by your employees, engage a hard-to-reach population, or understand how a policy plays out in the real world, health coverage is complicated. We partner with organizations, agencies, and small businesses to educate and assist their clients and employees. We provide consulting and research to improve health care access for all Minnesotans.
Community Partnerships. We partner with organizations around the state to offer targeted outreach, health insurance information and enrollment assistance for the populations they serve. We will work with you to understand the needs of your clients and develop custom plans for outreach and engagement, on-site assistance, or “warm” referral systems between our organizations.
We bring together experience in law, consumer advocacy, health insurance policy, implementation, and enrollment to help organizations understand and address barriers to health access.
Our Partner Organizations Include:
Common Ground addiction treatment provider
Comunidades Organizando el Poder y la Acción Latina (COPAL)
Dakota County Workforce Center
Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted County Community Corrections
Freeborn County Human Services
The Heights co-occurring residential treatment for women
Hennepin County Library – Minneapolis Central
Minnesota Prairie County Alliance – Steele County Human Services
Olmsted County Family Support & Assistance
Rochester Public Library
Ramsey County Library – Maplewood & Roseville
St. Paul Public Library – George Latimer Central (Community Resource Outreach Program)
Union Gospel Mission
Winona County Department of Human Services